University Project-Pride and Prejudice Chapter 10

Darcy is also writing in his diary
Lizzy and I sitting separately, relaxation I really didn’t want to deal with her on the plane can’t even run anywhere. That cousin of Elizabeth is a character, I guess she must have got desperate that she felt the need to text me to help her getaway, but I didn’t really help her because it was just a laugh seeing her cringe, wish I had a camera that time the expression on her face was priceless. My aunty is another Looney toon thinking she is all posh reality check you are not seriously give me a break.

After a long flight Darcy and Lizzy have landed in LA and have got straight down to preparing to meet Eagle eye, and first search out their location which is situated in a rundown part of LA. That doesn’t deter them they will meet him at any cost, but Darcy now has other plans, preparation finished which was mainly to seek out the location which they have. So Darcy decides to go shopping the next day Lizzy remarks about his style, he gives her an evil stare she just has that look in her eye that I got you back for insulting me before.
Elizabeth text messages Jane to meet up
Jane responds and she drops everything to go meet up with Lizzy.
The Nobu restaurant has got amazing decor, and the food tastes really good. Both of them ordered a seafood risotto, which is coincidentally their favourite food dish.

This entry was published on March 1, 2015 at 6:38 pm. It’s filed under Stories, University Project, Writing and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

2 thoughts on “University Project-Pride and Prejudice Chapter 10

  1. This is a really interesting project, I like it a lot 🙂 Really funny adaptation. Excellent 😀

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